我们由⼀⽀年轻且富有激情的国际化团队组建⽽成,LEE & YU DESIGN STUDIO是⼀家注重成⻓和勤于思考的设计事务所。凭籍丰富的专业经验和服务理念,我们的设计师们能够纵览全局,善于多⾓度、全⽅位地分析和思考,从⽽准确把握市场定位,⽤全局意识来引导设计,⽤设计质量来提升项目价值,做到“⼊乎其内,超乎其上”。
We are a young passionate and international team, Lee & Yu Design Studio is a growing and forward-thinking design studio. With professional backgrounds and attitudes, led by market insights and strategic thinking, we dive deep into the content and dig out the best result, making sure every project is carried out of high-quality and value-oriented.